Thursday, August 18, 2011

Getting Started!

Welcome to my little corner of Bento happiness. Here I will post pictures and descriptions of lunches I pack for my 4 children. Three of them are school aged the youngest stays home with me, but he still likes his bento lunches which he calls "snack trays".

To answer a few questions I've been asked recently.

Why Primal?
We follow a mostly Paleo diet, however because we still do dairy including cheeses, milk, yogurt, sometimes rice for the kids and other "non Paleo but maybe Primal foods" I guess we are more Primal than Paleo. I may change the title of the blog at some point because I try to avoid labels and so the "rules" change often for me. I never was one to follow all the rules anyhow.

Whats Bento?
Wiki says Bento is a single-portion takeout or home-packed meal common in Japanese cuisine. A traditional bento consists of rice, fish or meat, and one or more pickled or cooked vegetables, usually in a box-shaped container.
I say Bento is a fun way to get my kids to eat healthful foods. I dunno about your kids but mine will eat dang near ANYTHING on a stick! So I take a few extra minutes each evening to make their lunches just a little more exciting.

Are you a Bento expert?
Heck no! Gosh I am just starting out! There are many many blogs out there dedicated to some amazing and beautiful Bento lunches! Most of my photographs are snapped from my cell phone. Sometimes I break out the "real" camera for them, but I don't usually have time since I have to pack 3 different lunches each night before bed.
However, I am more than happy to share my pictures, descriptions and any advice on shortcuts, recipes, helpful hints that I've learned along the way!

How old are your kids, what are their names?
My children are 17, 15, 7 and 3. Two girls and two boys.
Their names? Isn't that a little personal? :)

I will refer to them by DD for (darling daughter) or DS for (darling son) followed by their ages to keep them apart.

Any more questions?
Lets get onto the pictures! Yay!

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